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How to Book a Shoot - Realtors

Updated: Feb 5, 2024

Follow these steps to book a shoot with us!

Two Ways To Book a Shoot

The first way is that you could go to our website and you can click on BOOK NOW. For most of our realtor clients, you're going to choose real estate listings. If you have something different, like you're wanting social media videos or, branding photos or videos, headshots or if you have an Airbnb or, something a little bit different please select hospitality, community living, lodges things like that that are more for like marketing, like long-term marketing, not so much listings.

The other way that you can access the real estate listing page is to just go to log into your account at Once you're logged in, this is your main page here. You can click order a photo shoot now, and again it takes you to the same real estate listings.

After you choose what, what services you'd like, you need to enter the address, the square footage, beds and baths. Lot size is really helpful if it is a property with acreage. If it's a city then lot and it's average size.

The next thing that will show up is appointment day and time. Now if you notice this says request appointment. This is not a confirmed day and time. We'll bring it in, review it, see how it works with our schedule. We will send you an email confirmation with the confirmed time.

Access instructions and other important notes

If there's going to be a lock box, please put the lock box code in the form. Also include if anyone is currently residing in the address. Make sure to read the instructions provided. If you have any further questions, please let us know and have a great day!

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